Give Your Plants Room to Grow
Just as humans need air to breathe, plants also need oxygen to survive and thrive. Packing too
many plants into a confined space is a bad idea because air could become scarce and you
could end up suffocating them. Plus, when plants are tightly packed together they’re more likely
to encourage pests to stop in for a snack or utilize the leaves as protection from heat or
predators. If you let these pests get too comfortable, they’ll end up making a home in your
garden – and as we all know, when pests start breeding they’re hard to control. Spacing out
your plants not only ensures they have enough room and oxygen but also helps keep insects at
Water Early
There are two advantages to watering your garden in the morning. For one, it hydrates the
plants and makes them less likely to get dry and wilted under the hot afternoon sun. Second,
morning watering ensures your garden has enough time to dry before nightfall. This is important
because damp plants attract a variety of garden pests, including snails, slugs, and earwigs.
Dampness is also one of the main reasons why many of our clients contact us for
control. Keep in mind though that too much water could end up killing your plants. The right
approach is to learn as much as you can about the plants and flowers in your garden: how much
water they need, what nutrients they require, etc. This knowledge, combined with a regimen of
watering in the morning, will keep pests away.
Frogs, Toads, and Birds are Your Friends
Frogs and toads may not be much to look at, but they’re great to have in a garden because they
feast on insects. These amphibious guard dogs are the kind of friends you want to make, and
the best way to encourage them to stay awhile is to simply place a bowl of water in your
garden. You might also find that frogs and toads are naturally attracted to lush environments like
gardens – just as birds are. Bear in mind that most birds don’t like feeding in open, unprotected
areas – so the presence of trees in or around your garden is a big plus.
Not All Bugs are Bad
Believe it or not, not all bugs are bad for your garden. Insects such as ladybugs, wasps,
hoverflies, and lacewings will help keep pests away by eating them. You can encourage these
“good bugs” to visit your garden by planting certain flowering plants like cosmos, sweet asylum,
yarrow, and dill. Moreover, if you grow these plants close to the other greenery in your garden,
they’ll be even more adept at attracting good bugs and encouraging them to stay.
Contact Our Pest Control Experts Today
For effective
pest prevention solutions, contact Tabor Services today. Our experienced team
uses the latest pest control techniques to ensure that your garden flourishes without
interference from pesky bugs, insects, and assorted critters.